Community Partnerships Committee
Augusta Health’s Community Partnership Committee is a committee appointed by the Augusta Health Board of Directors. The purpose of the Committee is to oversee the cultivation of collaborations formed to improve the health of the community through outreach initiatives.
The Community Partnership Committee provides feedback and direction on key Community Outreach activities, programs, and partnerships to enhance Augusta Health’s roles as a leader, convener, and funder in the community. Furthermore, the role of the Committee is to provide financial oversight of the Community Benefit Endowment Fund, evaluate key projects and programs, ensure alignment with the priority areas identified in the Community Health Need Assessment, make external grant funding recommendations for Community Benefit Funds, and award annual scholarships.
Community Benefit activities are possible through a generous bequest made by a community member and additional funding that the hospital has contributed to the Community Benefit Endowment Fund, all of which is designated to improve the health of the local community.


Cristina Casado

Jeff Cassell

Kathleen Kellett