Lunch and Learn Education: Medicare Advantage vs. Traditional Medicare

Event Details:

Join us December 5th from 12pm-1pm at the Best Western in Waynesboro!
Lunch is provided for those interested in learning more about the benefits and differences of each plan.  
RSVP by calling 540-245-7910!

Medicare Advantage vs. Traditional (or Original) Medicare

Before you sign up for Medicare Advantage, ask yourself:

  • Do I have access to a provider close to home?
    • Only half of the United States physicians accept Medicare Advantage plans, limiting treatment options, especially for individuals in rural communities.
  • Can my health conditions wait for approval?
    • Nearly all Medicare Advantage have a prior authorization process to see specialists or for specific treatments.
  • Can I financially afford denied treatment?
    • Medicare Advantage members may end up spending more than those on Original Medicare due to hidden costs and denied coverage.

A Medicare Advantage Plan may NOT be for you.

Learn more about the difference between Medicare Advantage and Traditional Medicare.