After-hours visitors must check in at the Emergency Department security desk in the waiting room.
Call the nurse to find out if it is a good time for the patient to have visitors. There is a phone located outside of the ICU doors for this purpose.
Visitors will be limited to 2 at a time. It is fine to switch off with other people. Keeping the visits short (5 – 10 minutes), promotes rest and healing for the patient.
Upon admission, the patient and/or family should designate a primary spokesperson that will receive reports from the patient’s nurse. This is especially important with large families. The spokesperson’s name and phone number will be placed on the patient’s chart.
Nursing care and/or medical care may require the nurse to request visitors to leave the bedside. If this occurs, the nurse will provide an approximate time when they may return.
Children 12 and under should not be brought to visit patients in the ICU. However, we do understand that in certain circumstances it would be appropriate for a child to visit a loved one. Please talk with the nurse taking care of the patient about your situation.
We encourage all visitors to discuss their needs as well as the patient’s needs with the nursing staff.