Endometriosis Resources- Pelvic Floor
- “Beating Endo” Iris Kerin Orbuch, MD, Amy Stein, DPT;
- “Outsmart Endo” Jessica Drummond, PT
- “Pelvic Pain Explained”, Stephanie Prendergast, PT and Elizabeth Rummer, PT
- “Healing Pelvic and Abdominal Pain”, Amy Stein, PT
- “Ending Female Pain” Isa Herrera, PT;
- “When Sex Hurts” Jill Krapf, MD
- “The Period Repair Manual” Lara Briden, ND
- “Explain Pain” Lorimer Mosely and David Butler, PT, “Why Pelvic pain Hurts” Adriaan Louw, PT
- “3 Diaphragms for Pain Relief”, Dr Matthew J Taylor- stress, breathing and effects on the body-YouTube
- Phendo, Uterinekind, Lasa Health, Painscale,
- Insight timer- has guided meditation with different themes from 2-40 min; HeadSpace; Calm
- Squeezy, Vesica – PF ex’s and voiding diaries
- Recognize- guided motor imagery- use the feet module
- Allura- meditation; Breathe2relax
- www.pelvicpainrehab.com/blog – numerous blog posts written for patients
- www.mypfm.com –excellent short video on “the Basics” of PF mechanics (on YouTube “myPFM”
- www.phoenixpub.com products for PF and fibromyalgia, Physiological Quieting CD (relaxation)
- www.carolynmcmanus.com meditation CD’s- can also get through amazon
- www.pelvicpain.org –International pelvic pain Society;
- www.vulvovaginaldisorders.com
- www.ewg.org go to consumer guide- breakdown of chemical components of common items
- www.facingpelvicpain.org/ `many resources including a book of the same title about pelvic pain
- www.facebook.com/groups/pelvicpain/ Pelvic Pain Support, Nancy’s nook (endometriosis), Pelvic pain help, Endometropolis
- www.integrativewomenshealthinstitute.com – more holistic, nutritional focus to managing pelvic pain, chronic pain…
- http://choosingtobemindful.com/index.html mindfulness training
- www.tamethebeast.org Lorimer Moseley/Butler website on persistent pain