Healthy Lifestyle Advice by John Reed, MD: GOUT

Date: October 2, 2023
Categories: Health Focused

As a board-certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician, Dr. John Reed, with Augusta Health Primary Care, Fishersville, loves to help his patients treat and reverse chronic diseases, lose weight, and get off their medications with lifestyle changes.
Gout: Is it a lifestyle disease?
- Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood that leads to the deposition of crystals in the tissue, often joints. This can be genetic or caused by poor diet.
- Either way, the best and healthiest way to reduce uric acid in the body is a whole-food, plant-based diet. If that is not sufficient, then talk to your doctor about medication.
- Reducing alcohol and drinking plenty of water (at least 48 oz daily) are also very important
- Fruits and vegetables help calm inflammation and contain up to 90% water by weight, so they help prevent and treat gout flares. Cherries may be beneficial.
- Red meat, seafood, and alcohol are primarily known for bringing on gout flares, so avoid these. Sugar-sweetened beverages can also increase your risk.
If you want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Reed, please ask your primary care provider for a Lifestyle Medicine referral.